Kaydet (Commit) db926a00 authored tarafından Krzysztof Gogolewski's avatar Krzysztof Gogolewski Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #29243 -- Improved efficiency of migration graph algorithm.

üst a48bc0ce
import warnings
from functools import total_ordering
from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState
from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
from .exceptions import CircularDependencyError, NodeNotFoundError
"Maximum recursion depth exceeded while generating migration graph, "
"falling back to iterative approach. If you're experiencing performance issues, "
"consider squashing migrations as described at "
class Node:
......@@ -49,49 +40,20 @@ class Node:
def add_parent(self, parent):
# Use manual caching, @cached_property effectively doubles the
# recursion depth for each recursion.
def ancestors(self):
# Use self.key instead of self to speed up the frequent hashing
# when constructing an OrderedSet.
if '_ancestors' not in self.__dict__:
ancestors = []
for parent in sorted(self.parents, reverse=True):
ancestors += parent.ancestors()
self.__dict__['_ancestors'] = list(OrderedSet(ancestors))
return self.__dict__['_ancestors']
# Use manual caching, @cached_property effectively doubles the
# recursion depth for each recursion.
def descendants(self):
# Use self.key instead of self to speed up the frequent hashing
# when constructing an OrderedSet.
if '_descendants' not in self.__dict__:
descendants = []
for child in sorted(self.children, reverse=True):
descendants += child.descendants()
self.__dict__['_descendants'] = list(OrderedSet(descendants))
return self.__dict__['_descendants']
class DummyNode(Node):
A node that doesn't correspond to a migration file on disk.
(A squashed migration that was removed, for example.)
After the migration graph is processed, all dummy nodes should be removed.
If there are any left, a nonexistent dependency error is raised.
def __init__(self, key, origin, error_message):
self.origin = origin
self.error_message = error_message
def promote(self):
Transition dummy to a normal node and clean off excess attribs.
Creating a Node object from scratch would be too much of a
hassle as many dependendies would need to be remapped.
del self.origin
del self.error_message
self.__class__ = Node
def raise_error(self):
raise NodeNotFoundError(self.error_message, self.key, origin=self.origin)
......@@ -122,19 +84,12 @@ class MigrationGraph:
def __init__(self):
self.node_map = {}
self.nodes = {}
self.cached = False
def add_node(self, key, migration):
# If the key already exists, then it must be a dummy node.
dummy_node = self.node_map.get(key)
if dummy_node:
# Promote DummyNode to Node.
node = Node(key)
self.node_map[key] = node
assert key not in self.node_map
node = Node(key)
self.node_map[key] = node
self.nodes[key] = migration
def add_dummy_node(self, key, origin, error_message):
node = DummyNode(key, origin, error_message)
......@@ -163,7 +118,6 @@ class MigrationGraph:
if not skip_validation:
def remove_replaced_nodes(self, replacement, replaced):
......@@ -199,7 +153,6 @@ class MigrationGraph:
if parent.key not in replaced:
def remove_replacement_node(self, replacement, replaced):
......@@ -236,19 +189,11 @@ class MigrationGraph:
# NOTE: There is no need to remap parent dependencies as we can
# assume the replaced nodes already have the correct ancestry.
def validate_consistency(self):
"""Ensure there are no dummy nodes remaining in the graph."""
[n.raise_error() for n in self.node_map.values() if isinstance(n, DummyNode)]
def clear_cache(self):
if self.cached:
for node in self.nodes:
self.node_map[node].__dict__.pop('_ancestors', None)
self.node_map[node].__dict__.pop('_descendants', None)
self.cached = False
def forwards_plan(self, target):
Given a node, return a list of which previous nodes (dependencies) must
......@@ -257,16 +202,7 @@ class MigrationGraph:
if target not in self.nodes:
raise NodeNotFoundError("Node %r not a valid node" % (target,), target)
# Use parent.key instead of parent to speed up the frequent hashing in ensure_not_cyclic
self.ensure_not_cyclic(target, lambda x: (parent.key for parent in self.node_map[x].parents))
self.cached = True
node = self.node_map[target]
return node.ancestors()
except RuntimeError:
# fallback to iterative dfs
warnings.warn(RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING, RuntimeWarning)
return self.iterative_dfs(node)
return self.iterative_dfs(self.node_map[target])
def backwards_plan(self, target):
......@@ -276,26 +212,24 @@ class MigrationGraph:
if target not in self.nodes:
raise NodeNotFoundError("Node %r not a valid node" % (target,), target)
# Use child.key instead of child to speed up the frequent hashing in ensure_not_cyclic
self.ensure_not_cyclic(target, lambda x: (child.key for child in self.node_map[x].children))
self.cached = True
node = self.node_map[target]
return node.descendants()
except RuntimeError:
# fallback to iterative dfs
warnings.warn(RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING, RuntimeWarning)
return self.iterative_dfs(node, forwards=False)
return self.iterative_dfs(self.node_map[target], forwards=False)
def iterative_dfs(self, start, forwards=True):
"""Iterative depth-first search for finding dependencies."""
visited = []
stack = [start]
visited_set = set()
stack = [(start, False)]
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
stack += sorted(node.parents if forwards else node.children)
return list(OrderedSet(reversed(visited)))
node, processed = stack.pop()
if node in visited_set:
elif processed:
stack.append((node, True))
stack += [(n, False) for n in sorted(node.parents if forwards else node.children)]
return visited
def root_nodes(self, app=None):
......@@ -322,7 +256,7 @@ class MigrationGraph:
return sorted(leaves)
def ensure_not_cyclic(self, start, get_children):
def ensure_not_cyclic(self):
# Algo from GvR:
# http://neopythonic.blogspot.co.uk/2009/01/detecting-cycles-in-directed-graph.html
todo = set(self.nodes)
......@@ -331,7 +265,10 @@ class MigrationGraph:
stack = [node]
while stack:
top = stack[-1]
for node in get_children(top):
for child in self.node_map[top].children:
# Use child.key instead of child to speed up the frequent
# hashing.
node = child.key
if node in stack:
cycle = stack[stack.index(node):]
raise CircularDependencyError(", ".join("%s.%s" % n for n in cycle))
......@@ -213,11 +213,12 @@ class MigrationLoader:
self.replacements = {}
for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
self.graph.add_node(key, migration)
# Internal (aka same-app) dependencies.
self.add_internal_dependencies(key, migration)
# Replacing migrations.
if migration.replaces:
self.replacements[key] = migration
for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
# Internal (same app) dependencies.
self.add_internal_dependencies(key, migration)
# Add external dependencies now that the internal ones have been resolved.
for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
self.add_external_dependencies(key, migration)
......@@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ class MigrationLoader:
) from exc
raise exc
def check_consistent_history(self, connection):
from django.db.migrations.exceptions import (
CircularDependencyError, NodeNotFoundError,
from django.db.migrations.graph import (
RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING, DummyNode, MigrationGraph, Node,
from django.db.migrations.graph import DummyNode, MigrationGraph, Node
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
......@@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_a", "0003"))
# Test whole graph
with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0003"))
def test_circular_graph_2(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
......@@ -157,9 +155,9 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
graph.add_dependency('C.0001', ('C', '0001'), ('B', '0001'))
with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
graph.forwards_plan(('C', '0001'))
def test_graph_recursive(self):
def test_iterative_dfs(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
root = ("app_a", "1")
graph.add_node(root, None)
......@@ -178,28 +176,29 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)
self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], backwards_plan)
def test_graph_iterative(self):
def test_iterative_dfs_complexity(self):
In a graph with merge migrations, iterative_dfs() traverses each node
only once even if there are multiple paths leading to it.
n = 50
graph = MigrationGraph()
root = ("app_a", "1")
graph.add_node(root, None)
expected = [root]
for i in range(2, 1000):
parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
child = ("app_a", str(i))
graph.add_node(child, None)
graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)
leaf = expected[-1]
with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING):
forwards_plan = graph.forwards_plan(leaf)
self.assertEqual(expected, forwards_plan)
with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING):
backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)
self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], backwards_plan)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
graph.add_node(('app_a', str(i)), None)
graph.add_node(('app_b', str(i)), None)
graph.add_node(('app_c', str(i)), None)
for i in range(1, n):
graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_b', str(i)), ('app_a', str(i)))
graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_c', str(i)), ('app_a', str(i)))
graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_a', str(i + 1)), ('app_b', str(i)))
graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_a', str(i + 1)), ('app_c', str(i)))
plan = graph.forwards_plan(('app_a', str(n)))
expected = [
(app, str(i))
for i in range(1, n)
for app in ['app_a', 'app_c', 'app_b']
] + [('app_a', str(n))]
self.assertEqual(plan, expected)
def test_plan_invalid_node(self):
......@@ -241,34 +240,39 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
def test_validate_consistency(self):
Tests for missing nodes, using `validate_consistency()` to raise the error.
# Build graph
def test_validate_consistency_missing_parent(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
# Add dependency with missing parent node (skipping validation).
graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"), skip_validation=True)
msg = "Migration app_a.0001 dependencies reference nonexistent parent node ('app_b', '0002')"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
# Add missing parent node and ensure `validate_consistency()` no longer raises error.
def test_validate_consistency_missing_child(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
# Add dependency with missing child node (skipping validation).
graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"), skip_validation=True)
msg = "Migration app_a.0002 dependencies reference nonexistent child node ('app_a', '0002')"
graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"), skip_validation=True)
msg = "Migration app_b.0002 dependencies reference nonexistent child node ('app_a', '0001')"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
# Add missing child node and ensure `validate_consistency()` no longer raises error.
graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
def test_validate_consistency_no_error(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"), skip_validation=True)
# Rawly add dummy node.
msg = "app_a.0001 (req'd by app_a.0002) is missing!"
def test_validate_consistency_dummy(self):
validate_consistency() raises an error if there's an isolated dummy
msg = "app_a.0001 (req'd by app_b.0002) is missing!"
graph = MigrationGraph()
key=("app_a", "0001"),
with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
......@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
graph.add_dependency("app_c.0001_squashed_0002", ("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"), ("app_b", "0002"))
with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
graph.forwards_plan(("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"))
def test_stringify(self):
graph = MigrationGraph()
......@@ -413,14 +417,3 @@ class NodeTests(SimpleTestCase):
error_message='x is missing',
self.assertEqual(repr(node), "<DummyNode: ('app_a', '0001')>")
def test_dummynode_promote(self):
dummy = DummyNode(
key=('app_a', '0001'),
error_message="app_a.0001 (req'd by app_a.0002) is missing!",
self.assertIsInstance(dummy, Node)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(dummy, 'origin'))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(dummy, 'error_message'))
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