Kaydet (Commit) e0910dcc authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham

Refs #25604 -- Removed makemigrations --exit option per deprecation timeline.

üst ff419de2
import io
import os
import sys
import warnings
from itertools import takewhile
from django.apps import apps
......@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ from django.db.migrations.questioner import (
from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState
from django.db.migrations.utils import get_migration_name_timestamp
from django.db.migrations.writer import MigrationWriter
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from django.utils.six import iteritems
from django.utils.six.moves import zip
......@@ -52,11 +50,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
'-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name', default=None,
help="Use this name for migration file(s).",
'-e', '--exit', action='store_true', dest='exit_code', default=False,
help='Exit with error code 1 if no changes needing migrations are found. '
'Deprecated, use the --check option instead.',
'--check', action='store_true', dest='check_changes',
help='Exit with a non-zero status if model changes are missing migrations.',
......@@ -69,15 +62,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
self.merge = options['merge']
self.empty = options['empty']
self.migration_name = options['name']
self.exit_code = options['exit_code']
check_changes = options['check_changes']
if self.exit_code:
"The --exit option is deprecated in favor of the --check option.",
# Make sure the app they asked for exists
app_labels = set(app_labels)
bad_app_labels = set()
......@@ -186,9 +172,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
self.stdout.write("No changes detected in apps '%s'" % ("', '".join(app_labels)))
self.stdout.write("No changes detected")
if self.exit_code:
if check_changes:
......@@ -704,12 +704,6 @@ Enables fixing of migration conflicts.
Allows naming the generated migration(s) instead of using a generated name.
.. django-admin-option:: --exit, -e
.. deprecated:: 1.10
Use the ``--check`` option instead.
Makes ``makemigrations`` exit with error code 1 when no migrations are created
(or would have been created, if combined with ``--dry-run``).
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ Management Commands
:setting:`FIXTURE_DIRS` contains duplicates or a default fixture directory
path (``app_name/fixtures``), an exception is raised.
* The new :option:`makemigrations --exit` option allows exiting with an error
* The new ``makemigrations --exit`` option allows exiting with an error
code if no migrations are created.
* The new :djadmin:`showmigrations` command allows listing all migrations and
......@@ -319,3 +319,5 @@ these features.
* The ``django.template.loader.LoaderOrigin`` and
``django.template.base.StringOrigin`` aliases for
``django.template.base.Origin`` are removed.
* The ``makemigrations --exit`` option is removed.
......@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@ from django.db.migrations.exceptions import (
InconsistentMigrationHistory, MigrationSchemaMissing,
from django.db.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder
from django.test import ignore_warnings, mock, override_settings
from django.test import mock, override_settings
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from .models import UnicodeModel, UnserializableModel
......@@ -1232,19 +1231,6 @@ class MakeMigrationsTests(MigrationTestBase):
self.assertIn("dependencies=[\n('migrations','0001_%s'),\n]" % migration_name_0001, content)
self.assertIn("operations=[\n]", content)
def test_makemigrations_exit(self):
makemigrations --exit should exit with sys.exit(1) when there are no
changes to an app.
with self.temporary_migration_module():
call_command("makemigrations", "--exit", "migrations", verbosity=0)
with self.temporary_migration_module(module="migrations.test_migrations_no_changes"):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
call_command("makemigrations", "--exit", "migrations", verbosity=0)
def test_makemigrations_check(self):
makemigrations --check should exit with a non-zero status when
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