Kaydet (Commit) e7afef13 authored tarafından Sergey Fedoseev's avatar Sergey Fedoseev Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #26788 -- Fixed QuerySet.update() crash when updating a geometry to another one.

üst 64264c9a
......@@ -71,7 +71,29 @@ class BaseSpatialOperations:
stored procedure call to the transformation function of the spatial
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of BaseSpatialOperations must provide a geo_db_placeholder() method')
def transform_value(value, field):
return (
not (value is None or value.srid == field.srid) and
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
return (
'%s(%%s, %s)' % (self.spatial_function_name('Transform'), f.srid)
if transform_value(value.output_field, f)
else '%s'
if transform_value(value, f):
# Add Transform() to the SQL placeholder.
return '%s(%s(%%s,%s), %s)' % (
self.from_text, value.srid, f.srid,
elif self.connection.features.has_spatialrefsys_table:
return '%s(%%s,%s)' % (self.from_text, f.srid)
# For backwards compatibility on MySQL (#27464).
return '%s(%%s)' % self.from_text
def check_expression_support(self, expression):
if isinstance(expression, self.disallowed_aggregates):
......@@ -86,18 +86,6 @@ class MySQLOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
def geo_db_type(self, f):
return f.geom_type
def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler):
The placeholder here has to include MySQL's WKT constructor. Because
MySQL does not support spatial transformations, there is no need to
modify the placeholder based on the contents of the given value.
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
placeholder, _ = compiler.compile(value)
placeholder = '%s(%%s)' % self.from_text
return placeholder
def get_db_converters(self, expression):
converters = super().get_db_converters(expression)
if isinstance(expression.output_field, GeometryField) and self.uses_invalid_empty_geometry_collection:
......@@ -187,33 +187,9 @@ class OracleOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
return [dist_param]
def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler):
Provide a proper substitution value for Geometries that are not in the
SRID of the field. Specifically, this routine will substitute in the
SDO_CS.TRANSFORM() function call.
tranform_func = self.spatial_function_name('Transform')
if value is None:
return 'NULL'
def transform_value(val, srid):
return val.srid != srid
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
if transform_value(value, f.srid):
placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (tranform_func, f.srid)
placeholder = '%s'
# No geometry value used for F expression, substitute in
# the column name instead.
sql, _ = compiler.compile(value)
return placeholder % sql
if transform_value(value, f.srid):
return '%s(SDO_GEOMETRY(%%s, %s), %s)' % (tranform_func, value.srid, f.srid)
return 'SDO_GEOMETRY(%%s, %s)' % f.srid
return super().get_geom_placeholder(f, value, compiler)
def spatial_aggregate_name(self, agg_name):
......@@ -292,6 +292,12 @@ class PostGISOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
substitute in the ST_Transform() function call.
tranform_func = self.spatial_function_name('Transform')
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
if value.field.srid == f.srid:
placeholder = '%s'
placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (tranform_func, f.srid)
return placeholder
# Get the srid for this object
if value is None:
......@@ -310,13 +316,6 @@ class PostGISOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (tranform_func, f.srid)
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
# If this is an F expression, then we don't really want
# a placeholder and instead substitute in the column
# of the expression.
sql, _ = compiler.compile(value)
placeholder = placeholder % sql
return placeholder
def _get_postgis_func(self, func):
......@@ -152,32 +152,6 @@ class SpatiaLiteOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
dist_param = value
return [dist_param]
def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler):
Provide a proper substitution value for Geometries that are not in the
SRID of the field. Specifically, this routine will substitute in the
Transform() and GeomFromText() function call(s).
tranform_func = self.spatial_function_name('Transform')
def transform_value(value, srid):
return not (value is None or value.srid == srid)
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
if transform_value(value, f.srid):
placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (tranform_func, f.srid)
placeholder = '%s'
# No geometry value used for F expression, substitute in
# the column name instead.
sql, _ = compiler.compile(value)
return placeholder % sql
if transform_value(value, f.srid):
# Adding Transform() to the SQL placeholder.
return '%s(%s(%%s,%s), %s)' % (tranform_func, self.from_text, value.srid, f.srid)
return '%s(%%s,%s)' % (self.from_text, f.srid)
def _get_spatialite_func(self, func):
Helper routine for calling SpatiaLite functions and returning
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class GISLookup(Lookup):
if not hasattr(geo_fld, 'srid'):
raise ValueError('No geographic field found in expression.')
self.rhs.srid = geo_fld.srid
sql, _ = compiler.compile(geom)
return connection.ops.get_geom_placeholder(self.lhs.output_field, geom, compiler) % sql, []
elif isinstance(self.rhs, Expression):
raise ValueError('Complex expressions not supported for spatial fields.')
elif isinstance(self.rhs, (list, tuple)):
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations):
return value
def binary_placeholder_sql(self, value):
return '_binary %s' if value is not None else '%s'
return '_binary %s' if value is not None and not hasattr(value, 'as_sql') else '%s'
def subtract_temporals(self, internal_type, lhs, rhs):
lhs_sql, lhs_params = lhs
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ class SQLUpdateCompiler(SQLCompiler):
name = field.column
if hasattr(val, 'as_sql'):
sql, params = self.compile(val)
values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), sql))
values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), placeholder % sql))
elif val is not None:
values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), placeholder))
......@@ -101,3 +101,9 @@ class NonConcreteField(models.IntegerField):
class NonConcreteModel(NamedModel):
non_concrete = NonConcreteField()
point = models.PointField(geography=True)
class ManyPointModel(NamedModel):
point1 = models.PointField()
point2 = models.PointField()
point3 = models.PointField(srid=3857)
from unittest import skipUnless
from django.contrib.gis.db.models import GeometryField, Value, functions
from django.contrib.gis.db.models import F, GeometryField, Value, functions
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, Polygon
from django.db import connection
from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
from ..utils import postgis
from .models import City
from .models import City, ManyPointModel
......@@ -29,3 +30,28 @@ class GeoExpressionsTests(TestCase):
p = Polygon(((1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1), (1, 1)))
area = City.objects.annotate(a=functions.Area(Value(p, GeometryField(srid=4326, geography=True)))).first().a
self.assertAlmostEqual(area.sq_km, 12305.1, 0)
def test_update_from_other_field(self):
p1 = Point(1, 1, srid=4326)
p2 = Point(2, 2, srid=4326)
obj = ManyPointModel.objects.create(
point3=p2.transform(3857, clone=True),
# Updating a point to a point of the same SRID.
self.assertEqual(obj.point2, p1)
# Updating a point to a point with a different SRID.
if connection.features.supports_transform:
self.assertTrue(obj.point3.equals_exact(p1.transform(3857, clone=True), 0.1))
def test_update_with_expression(self):
city = City.objects.create(point=Point(1, 1, srid=4326))
City.objects.filter(pk=city.pk).update(point=functions.Translate('point', 1, 1))
self.assertEqual(city.point, Point(2, 2, srid=4326))
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