Kaydet (Commit) e9d1f118 authored tarafından MattBlack85's avatar MattBlack85 Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #23801 -- Added warning when max_length is used with IntegerField

üst cbb5cdd1
......@@ -1704,6 +1704,23 @@ class IntegerField(Field):
description = _("Integer")
def check(self, **kwargs):
errors = super(IntegerField, self).check(**kwargs)
return errors
def _check_max_length_warning(self):
if self.max_length is not None:
return [
"'max_length' is ignored when used with IntegerField",
hint="Remove 'max_length' from field",
return []
def validators(self):
# These validators can't be added at field initialization time since
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Fields
* **fields.E110**: ``BooleanField``\s do not accept null values.
* **fields.E120**: ``CharField``\s must define a ``max_length`` attribute.
* **fields.E121**: ``max_length`` must be a positive integer.
* **fields.W122**: ``max_length`` is ignored when used with ``IntegerField``.
* **fields.E130**: ``DecimalField``\s must define a ``decimal_places`` attribute.
* **fields.E131**: ``decimal_places`` must be a non-negative integer.
* **fields.E132**: ``DecimalField``\s must define a ``max_digits`` attribute.
......@@ -513,6 +513,25 @@ class ImageFieldTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase):
self.assertEqual(errors, expected)
class IntegerFieldTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase):
def test_max_length_warning(self):
class Model(models.Model):
value = models.IntegerField(max_length=2)
value = Model._meta.get_field('value')
errors = Model.check()
expected = [
"'max_length' is ignored when used with IntegerField",
hint="Remove 'max_length' from field",
self.assertEqual(errors, expected)
class TimeFieldTests(IsolatedModelsTestCase):
def test_fix_default_value(self):
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