Kaydet (Commit) ef1e6ef1 authored tarafından Honza Kral's avatar Honza Kral

Merge branch 'ticket19872' of https://github.com/oinopion/django

......@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ class cached_property(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __get__(self, instance, type):
def __get__(self, instance, type=None):
if instance is None:
return self
res = instance.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(instance)
return res
from django.utils import unittest
from django.utils.functional import lazy, lazy_property
from django.utils.functional import lazy, lazy_property, cached_property
class FunctionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -37,3 +37,30 @@ class FunctionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: A().do)
self.assertEqual(B().do, 'DO IT')
def test_cached_property(self):
Test that cached_property caches its value,
and that it behaves like a property
class A(object):
def value(self):
return 1, object()
a = A()
# check that it is cached
self.assertEqual(a.value, a.value)
# check that it returns the right thing
self.assertEqual(a.value[0], 1)
# check that state isn't shared between instances
a2 = A()
self.assertNotEqual(a.value, a2.value)
# check that it behaves like a property when there's no instance
self.assertIsInstance(A.value, cached_property)
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