Kaydet (Commit) f179a519 authored tarafından Ramiro Morales's avatar Ramiro Morales

Fix filtering during collection of paths in setup.py

Thanks Marek Brzóska for the report.
üst 668d0b8d
......@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ django_dir = 'django'
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(django_dir):
# Ignore PEP 3147 cache dirs and those whose names start with '.'
for i, dirname in enumerate(dirnames):
if dirname.startswith('.') or dirname == '__pycache__':
del dirnames[i]
dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d.startswith('.') and d != '__pycache__']
if '__init__.py' in filenames:
elif filenames:
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