1. 31 Agu, 2015 4 kayıt (commit)
  2. 29 Agu, 2015 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Aymeric Augustin's avatar
      Fixed #24704 -- Made the autoreloader survive SyntaxErrors. · fe6ddb83
      Aymeric Augustin yazdı
      With this change, it's expected to survive anything except errors
      that make it impossible to import the settings. It's too complex
      to fallback to a sensible behavior with a broken settings module.
      Harcoding things about runserver in ManagementUtility.execute is
      atrocious but it's the only way out of the chicken'n'egg problem:
      the current implementation of the autoreloader primarily watches
      imported Python modules -- and then a few other things that were
      bolted on top of this design -- but we want it to kick in even if
      the project contains import-time errors and django.setup() fails.
      At some point we should throw away this code and replace it by an
      off-the-shelf autoreloader that watches the working directory and
      re-runs `django-admin runserver` whenever something changes.
    • Y3K's avatar
  3. 28 Agu, 2015 3 kayıt (commit)
  4. 27 Agu, 2015 6 kayıt (commit)
  5. 26 Agu, 2015 2 kayıt (commit)
  6. 25 Agu, 2015 3 kayıt (commit)
  7. 24 Agu, 2015 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Maxime Lorant's avatar
    • Tommy Beadle's avatar
      Fixed #23727 -- Inhibited the post_migrate signal when using serialized_rollback. · d3fdaf90
      Tommy Beadle yazdı
      When using a TransactionTestCase with serialized_rollback=True,
      after creating the database and running its migrations (along with
      emitting the post_migrate signal), the contents of the database
      are serialized to _test_serialized_contents.
      After the first test case, _fixture_teardown() would flush the
      tables but then the post_migrate signal would be emitted and new
      rows (with new PKs) would be created in the django_content_type
      table. Then in any subsequent test cases in a suite,
      _fixture_setup() attempts to deserialize the content of
       _test_serialized_contents, but these rows are identical to the
      rows already in the database except for their PKs.  This causes an
      IntegrityError due to the unique constraint in the
      django_content_type table.
      This change made it so that in the above scenario the post_migrate
      signal is not emitted after flushing the tables, since it will be
      repopulated during fixture_setup().
  8. 22 Agu, 2015 3 kayıt (commit)
  9. 21 Agu, 2015 1 kayıt (commit)
  10. 20 Agu, 2015 2 kayıt (commit)
  11. 19 Agu, 2015 4 kayıt (commit)
  12. 18 Agu, 2015 5 kayıt (commit)
  13. 17 Agu, 2015 1 kayıt (commit)
  14. 15 Agu, 2015 2 kayıt (commit)