Kaydet (Commit) 0610efbc authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Support group_add param in host config

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJoffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
üst e5fbc42d
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ def create_host_config(
restart_policy=None, cap_add=None, cap_drop=None, devices=None,
extra_hosts=None, read_only=None, pid_mode=None, ipc_mode=None,
security_opt=None, ulimits=None, log_config=None, mem_limit=None,
memswap_limit=None, cgroup_parent=None, version=None
memswap_limit=None, cgroup_parent=None, group_add=None, version=None
host_config = {}
......@@ -509,6 +509,13 @@ def create_host_config(
if devices:
host_config['Devices'] = parse_devices(devices)
if group_add:
if compare_version(version, '1.20') < 0:
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
'group_add param not supported for API version < 1.20'
host_config['GroupAdd'] = [str(grp) for grp in group_add]
if dns is not None:
host_config['Dns'] = dns
# HostConfig object
The Docker Remote API introduced [support for HostConfig in version 1.15](http://docs.docker.com/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.15/#create-a-container). This object contains all the parameters you could previously pass to `Client.start`.
The Docker Remote API introduced [support for HostConfig in version 1.15](http://docs.docker.com/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.15/#create-a-container).
This object contains all the parameters you could previously pass to `Client.start`.
*It is highly recommended that users pass the HostConfig in the `host_config`*
*param of `Client.create_container` instead of `Client.start`*
......@@ -71,15 +72,16 @@ for example:
for more information.
* lxc_conf (dict): LXC config
* publish_all_ports (bool): Whether to publish all ports to the host
* links (dict or list of tuples): either as a dictionary mapping name to alias or
as a list of `(name, alias)` tuples
* links (dict or list of tuples): either as a dictionary mapping name to alias
or as a list of `(name, alias)` tuples
* privileged (bool): Give extended privileges to this container
* dns (list): Set custom DNS servers
* dns_search (list): DNS search domains
* volumes_from (str or list): List of container names or Ids to get volumes
from. Optionally a single string joining container id's with commas
* network_mode (str): One of `['bridge', None, 'container:<name|id>', 'host']`
* restart_policy (dict): "Name" param must be one of `['on-failure', 'always']`
* restart_policy (dict): "Name" param must be one of
`['on-failure', 'always']`
* cap_add (list of str): Add kernel capabilities
* cap_drop (list of str): Drop kernel capabilities
* extra_hosts (dict): custom host-to-IP mappings (host:ip)
......@@ -91,9 +93,14 @@ for example:
systems, such as SELinux.
* ulimits (list): A list of dicts or `docker.utils.Ulimit` objects. A list
of ulimits to be set in the container.
* log_config (`docker.utils.LogConfig` or dict): Logging configuration to container
* mem_limit (str or num): Maximum amount of memory container is allowed to consume. (e.g. `'1g'`)
* memswap_limit (str or num): Maximum amount of memory + swap a container is allowed to consume.
* log_config (`docker.utils.LogConfig` or dict): Logging configuration to
* mem_limit (str or num): Maximum amount of memory container is allowed to
consume. (e.g. `'1g'`)
* memswap_limit (str or num): Maximum amount of memory + swap a container is
allowed to consume.
* group_add (list): List of additional group names and/or IDs that the
container process will run as.
**Returns** (dict) HostConfig dictionary
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