Kaydet (Commit) 3c9738a5 authored tarafından Anthony Sottile's avatar Anthony Sottile

Allow user=0 to be passed in create_container

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAnthony Sottile <asottile@umich.edu>
üst 64a1d8c6
......@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ class ContainerConfig(dict):
'Hostname': hostname,
'Domainname': domainname,
'ExposedPorts': ports,
'User': six.text_type(user) if user else None,
'User': six.text_type(user) if user is not None else None,
'Tty': tty,
'OpenStdin': stdin_open,
'StdinOnce': stdin_once,
from docker.types.containers import ContainerConfig
def test_uid_0_is_not_elided():
x = ContainerConfig(image='i', version='v', command='true', user=0)
assert x['User'] == '0'
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