Kaydet (Commit) 46dd94d1 authored tarafından Vladimir Rutsky's avatar Vladimir Rutsky

fix network_mode 'none' value

Signed-off-by: 's avatarVladimir Rutsky <vladimir@rutsky.org>
üst e7ad5361
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ for example:
* dns_search (list): DNS search domains
* volumes_from (str or list): List of container names or Ids to get volumes
from. Optionally a single string joining container id's with commas
* network_mode (str): One of `['bridge', None, 'container:<name|id>', 'host']`
* network_mode (str): One of `['bridge', 'none', 'container:<name|id>', 'host']`
* restart_policy (dict): "Name" param must be one of
`['on-failure', 'always']`
* cap_add (list of str): Add kernel capabilities
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