Kaydet (Commit) 600cc15c authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Merge branch 'container_exec_run' of https://github.com/funkyfuture/docker-py…

Merge branch 'container_exec_run' of https://github.com/funkyfuture/docker-py into funkyfuture-container_exec_run
Signed-off-by: 's avatarJoffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import copy
from ..api import APIClient
from ..errors import (ContainerError, ImageNotFound,
from ..types import HostConfig
from ..types import ExecResult, HostConfig
from ..utils import version_gte
from .images import Image
from .resource import Collection, Model
......@@ -150,9 +150,10 @@ class Container(Model):
workdir (str): Path to working directory for this exec session
(tuple): A tuple of (exit_code, output)
(ExecResult): A tuple of (exit_code, output)
exit_code: (int):
Exit code for the executed command
Exit code for the executed command or ``None`` if
either ``stream```or ``socket`` is ``True``.
output: (generator or str):
If ``stream=True``, a generator yielding response chunks.
If ``socket=True``, a socket object for the connection.
......@@ -170,10 +171,12 @@ class Container(Model):
exec_output = self.client.api.exec_start(
resp['Id'], detach=detach, tty=tty, stream=stream, socket=socket
exit_code = 0
if stream is False:
exit_code = self.client.api.exec_inspect(resp['Id'])['ExitCode']
return (exit_code, exec_output)
if socket or stream:
return ExecResult(None, exec_output)
return ExecResult(
def export(self):
# flake8: noqa
from .containers import ContainerConfig, HostConfig, LogConfig, Ulimit
from .containers import (ContainerConfig, ExecResult, HostConfig, LogConfig,
from .healthcheck import Healthcheck
from .networks import EndpointConfig, IPAMConfig, IPAMPool, NetworkingConfig
from .services import (
from collections import namedtuple
import six
import warnings
......@@ -11,6 +12,11 @@ from .base import DictType
from .healthcheck import Healthcheck
ExecResult = namedtuple('ExecResult', 'exit_code,output')
""" A result of Container.exec_run with the properties ``exit_code`` and
``output``. """
class LogConfigTypesEnum(object):
_values = (
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