Kaydet (Commit) 82445764 authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Add support for RollbackConfig

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJoffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
üst 7e795240
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ from .. import auth, errors, utils
from ..types import ServiceMode
def _check_api_features(version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec):
def _check_api_features(version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec,
def raise_version_error(param, min_version):
raise errors.InvalidVersion(
......@@ -28,6 +29,14 @@ def _check_api_features(version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec):
if 'Order' in update_config:
raise_version_error('UpdateConfig.order', '1.29')
if rollback_config is not None:
if utils.version_lt(version, '1.28'):
raise_version_error('rollback_config', '1.28')
if utils.version_lt(version, '1.29'):
if 'Order' in update_config:
raise_version_error('RollbackConfig.order', '1.29')
if endpoint_spec is not None:
if utils.version_lt(version, '1.32') and 'Ports' in endpoint_spec:
if any(p.get('PublishMode') for p in endpoint_spec['Ports']):
......@@ -105,7 +114,7 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
def create_service(
self, task_template, name=None, labels=None, mode=None,
update_config=None, networks=None, endpoint_config=None,
endpoint_spec=None, rollback_config=None
Create a service.
......@@ -120,6 +129,8 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
or global). Defaults to replicated.
update_config (UpdateConfig): Specification for the update strategy
of the service. Default: ``None``
rollback_config (RollbackConfig): Specification for the rollback
strategy of the service. Default: ``None``
networks (:py:class:`list`): List of network names or IDs to attach
the service to. Default: ``None``.
endpoint_spec (EndpointSpec): Properties that can be configured to
......@@ -135,7 +146,8 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
self._version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec
self._version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec,
url = self._url('/services/create')
......@@ -166,6 +178,9 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
if update_config is not None:
data['UpdateConfig'] = update_config
if rollback_config is not None:
data['RollbackConfig'] = rollback_config
return self._result(
self._post_json(url, data=data, headers=headers), True
......@@ -342,7 +357,8 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
def update_service(self, service, version, task_template=None, name=None,
labels=None, mode=None, update_config=None,
networks=None, endpoint_config=None,
endpoint_spec=None, fetch_current_spec=False):
endpoint_spec=None, fetch_current_spec=False,
Update a service.
......@@ -360,6 +376,8 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
or global). Defaults to replicated.
update_config (UpdateConfig): Specification for the update strategy
of the service. Default: ``None``.
rollback_config (RollbackConfig): Specification for the rollback
strategy of the service. Default: ``None``
networks (:py:class:`list`): List of network names or IDs to attach
the service to. Default: ``None``.
endpoint_spec (EndpointSpec): Properties that can be configured to
......@@ -376,7 +394,8 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
self._version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec
self._version, task_template, update_config, endpoint_spec,
if fetch_current_spec:
......@@ -422,6 +441,11 @@ class ServiceApiMixin(object):
data['UpdateConfig'] = current.get('UpdateConfig')
if rollback_config is not None:
data['RollbackConfig'] = rollback_config
data['RollbackConfig'] = current.get('RollbackConfig')
if networks is not None:
converted_networks = utils.convert_service_networks(networks)
if utils.version_lt(self._version, '1.25'):
......@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ class ServiceCollection(Collection):
containers to terminate before forcefully killing them.
update_config (UpdateConfig): Specification for the update strategy
of the service. Default: ``None``
rollback_config (RollbackConfig): Specification for the rollback
strategy of the service. Default: ``None``
user (str): User to run commands as.
workdir (str): Working directory for commands to run.
tty (boolean): Whether a pseudo-TTY should be allocated.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from .healthcheck import Healthcheck
from .networks import EndpointConfig, IPAMConfig, IPAMPool, NetworkingConfig
from .services import (
ConfigReference, ContainerSpec, DNSConfig, DriverConfig, EndpointSpec,
Mount, Placement, Privileges, Resources, RestartPolicy, SecretReference,
ServiceMode, TaskTemplate, UpdateConfig
Mount, Placement, Privileges, Resources, RestartPolicy, RollbackConfig,
SecretReference, ServiceMode, TaskTemplate, UpdateConfig
from .swarm import SwarmSpec, SwarmExternalCA
......@@ -414,6 +414,30 @@ class UpdateConfig(dict):
self['Order'] = order
class RollbackConfig(UpdateConfig):
Used to specify the way containe rollbacks should be performed by a service
parallelism (int): Maximum number of tasks to be rolled back in one
iteration (0 means unlimited parallelism). Default: 0
delay (int): Amount of time between rollbacks, in nanoseconds.
failure_action (string): Action to take if a rolled back task fails to
run, or stops running during the rollback. Acceptable values are
``continue``, ``pause`` or ``rollback``.
Default: ``continue``
monitor (int): Amount of time to monitor each rolled back task for
failures, in nanoseconds.
max_failure_ratio (float): The fraction of tasks that may fail during
a rollback before the failure action is invoked, specified as a
floating point number between 0 and 1. Default: 0
order (string): Specifies the order of operations when rolling out a
rolled back task. Either ``start_first`` or ``stop_first`` are
class RestartConditionTypesEnum(object):
_values = (
......@@ -312,6 +312,27 @@ class ServiceTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest):
assert update_config['Monitor'] == uc['Monitor']
assert update_config['MaxFailureRatio'] == uc['MaxFailureRatio']
def test_create_service_with_rollback_config(self):
container_spec = docker.types.ContainerSpec(BUSYBOX, ['true'])
task_tmpl = docker.types.TaskTemplate(container_spec)
rollback_cfg = docker.types.RollbackConfig(
parallelism=10, delay=5, failure_action='pause',
monitor=300000000, max_failure_ratio=0.4
name = self.get_service_name()
svc_id = self.client.create_service(
task_tmpl, rollback_config=rollback_cfg, name=name
svc_info = self.client.inspect_service(svc_id)
assert 'RollbackConfig' in svc_info['Spec']
rc = svc_info['Spec']['RollbackConfig']
assert rollback_cfg['Parallelism'] == rc['Parallelism']
assert rollback_cfg['Delay'] == rc['Delay']
assert rollback_cfg['FailureAction'] == rc['FailureAction']
assert rollback_cfg['Monitor'] == rc['Monitor']
assert rollback_cfg['MaxFailureRatio'] == rc['MaxFailureRatio']
def test_create_service_with_restart_policy(self):
container_spec = docker.types.ContainerSpec(BUSYBOX, ['true'])
policy = docker.types.RestartPolicy(
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