Kaydet (Commit) 8d35ae69 authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Merge branch 'knackworks-service-create-placement-preferences'

import copy
from docker.errors import create_unexpected_kwargs_error, InvalidArgument
from docker.types import TaskTemplate, ContainerSpec, ServiceMode
from docker.types import TaskTemplate, ContainerSpec, Placement, ServiceMode
from .resource import Model, Collection
......@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ class ServiceCollection(Collection):
command (list of str or str): Command to run.
args (list of str): Arguments to the command.
constraints (list of str): Placement constraints.
preferences (list of str): Placement preferences.
platforms (list of tuple): A list of platforms constraints
expressed as ``(arch, os)`` tuples
container_labels (dict): Labels to apply to the container.
endpoint_spec (EndpointSpec): Properties that can be configured to
access and load balance a service. Default: ``None``.
......@@ -302,6 +305,12 @@ CREATE_SERVICE_KWARGS = [
def _get_create_service_kwargs(func_name, kwargs):
# Copy over things which can be copied directly
......@@ -321,10 +330,12 @@ def _get_create_service_kwargs(func_name, kwargs):
if 'container_labels' in kwargs:
container_spec_kwargs['labels'] = kwargs.pop('container_labels')
if 'constraints' in kwargs:
task_template_kwargs['placement'] = {
'Constraints': kwargs.pop('constraints')
placement = {}
for key in copy.copy(kwargs):
placement[key] = kwargs.pop(key)
placement = Placement(**placement)
task_template_kwargs['placement'] = placement
if 'log_driver' in kwargs:
task_template_kwargs['log_driver'] = {
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class CreateServiceKwargsTest(unittest.TestCase):
'mounts': [{'some': 'mounts'}],
'stop_grace_period': 5,
'constraints': ['foo=bar'],
'preferences': ['bar=baz'],
'platforms': [('x86_64', 'linux')],
task_template = kwargs.pop('task_template')
......@@ -41,7 +43,11 @@ class CreateServiceKwargsTest(unittest.TestCase):
'ContainerSpec', 'Resources', 'RestartPolicy', 'Placement',
'LogDriver', 'Networks'
assert task_template['Placement'] == {'Constraints': ['foo=bar']}
assert task_template['Placement'] == {
'Constraints': ['foo=bar'],
'Preferences': ['bar=baz'],
'Platforms': [{'Architecture': 'x86_64', 'OS': 'linux'}],
assert task_template['LogDriver'] == {
'Name': 'logdriver',
'Options': {'foo': 'bar'}
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