Kaydet (Commit) a5519022 authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Merge branch 'sam/import-improvements' of https://github.com/ssssam/docker-py…

Merge branch 'sam/import-improvements' of https://github.com/ssssam/docker-py into ssssam-sam/import-improvements

......@@ -43,24 +43,29 @@ class Client(requests.Session):
def __init__(self, base_url=None, version=None,
timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, tls=False):
super(Client, self).__init__()
base_url = utils.parse_host(base_url)
if 'http+unix:///' in base_url:
base_url = base_url.replace('unix:/', 'unix:')
if tls and not base_url.startswith('https://'):
raise errors.TLSParameterError(
'If using TLS, the base_url argument must begin with '
self.base_url = base_url
self.timeout = timeout
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
# Use SSLAdapter for the ability to specify SSL version
if isinstance(tls, TLSConfig):
elif tls:
self.mount('https://', ssladapter.SSLAdapter())
base_url = utils.parse_host(base_url)
if base_url.startswith('http+unix://'):
unix_socket_adapter = unixconn.UnixAdapter(base_url, timeout)
self.mount('http+docker://', unix_socket_adapter)
self.base_url = 'http+docker://localunixsocket'
self.mount('http+unix://', unixconn.UnixAdapter(base_url, timeout))
# Use SSLAdapter for the ability to specify SSL version
if isinstance(tls, TLSConfig):
elif tls:
self.mount('https://', ssladapter.SSLAdapter())
self.base_url = base_url
# version detection needs to be after unix adapter mounting
if version is None:
......@@ -576,33 +581,86 @@ class Client(requests.Session):
return res
def import_image(self, src=None, repository=None, tag=None, image=None):
if src:
if isinstance(src, six.string_types):
result = self.import_image_from_file(
src, repository=repository, tag=tag)
except IOError:
result = self.import_image_from_url(
src, repository=repository, tag=tag)
result = self.import_image_from_data(
src, repository=repository, tag=tag)
elif image:
result = self.import_image_from_image(
image, repository=repository, tag=tag)
raise Exception("Must specify a src or image")
return result
def import_image_from_data(self, data, repository=None, tag=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'fromSrc': '-',
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/tar',
return self._result(
self._post(u, data=data, params=params, headers=headers))
if src:
# XXX: this is ways not optimal but the only way
# for now to import tarballs through the API
fic = open(src)
data = fic.read()
src = "-"
except IOError:
# file does not exists or not a file (URL)
data = None
if isinstance(src, six.string_types):
params['fromSrc'] = src
return self._result(self._post(u, data=data, params=params))
return self._result(self._post(u, data=src, params=params))
def import_image_from_file(self, filename, repository=None, tag=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'fromSrc': '-',
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/tar',
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
return self._result(
self._post(u, data=f, params=params, headers=headers,
if image:
params['fromImage'] = image
return self._result(self._post(u, data=None, params=params))
def import_image_from_stream(self, stream, repository=None, tag=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'fromSrc': '-',
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/tar',
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
return self._result(
self._post(u, data=stream, params=params, headers=headers))
def import_image_from_url(self, url, repository=None, tag=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'fromSrc': url,
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
return self._result(
self._post(u, data=None, params=params))
raise Exception("Must specify a src or image")
def import_image_from_image(self, image, repository=None, tag=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'fromImage': image,
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
return self._result(
self._post(u, data=None, params=params))
def info(self):
return self._result(self._get(self._url("/info")),
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ try:
except ImportError:
import urllib3
RecentlyUsedContainer = urllib3._collections.RecentlyUsedContainer
class UnixHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection, object):
def __init__(self, base_url, unix_socket, timeout=60):
......@@ -36,17 +38,9 @@ class UnixHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection, object):
def connect(self):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(self.base_url.replace("http+unix:/", ""))
self.sock = sock
def _extract_path(self, url):
# remove the base_url entirely..
return url.replace(self.base_url, "")
def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
url = self._extract_path(self.unix_socket)
super(UnixHTTPConnection, self).request(method, url, **kwargs)
class UnixHTTPConnectionPool(urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool):
def __init__(self, base_url, socket_path, timeout=60):
......@@ -63,24 +57,26 @@ class UnixHTTPConnectionPool(urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool):
class UnixAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
def __init__(self, base_url, timeout=60):
RecentlyUsedContainer = urllib3._collections.RecentlyUsedContainer
self.base_url = base_url
def __init__(self, socket_url, timeout=60):
socket_path = socket_url.replace('http+unix://', '')
if not socket_path.startswith('/'):
socket_path = '/' + socket_path
self.socket_path = socket_path
self.timeout = timeout
self.pools = RecentlyUsedContainer(10,
dispose_func=lambda p: p.close())
super(UnixAdapter, self).__init__()
def get_connection(self, socket_path, proxies=None):
def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None):
with self.pools.lock:
pool = self.pools.get(socket_path)
pool = self.pools.get(url)
if pool:
return pool
pool = UnixHTTPConnectionPool(
self.base_url, socket_path, self.timeout
self.pools[socket_path] = pool
pool = UnixHTTPConnectionPool(url,
self.pools[url] = pool
return pool
......@@ -345,20 +345,66 @@ layers)
## import_image
Identical to the `docker import` command. If `src` is a string or unicode
string, it will be treated as a URL to fetch the image from. To import an image
from the local machine, `src` needs to be a file-like object or bytes
collection. To import from a tarball use your absolute path to your tarball.
To load arbitrary data as tarball use whatever you want as src and your
tarball content in data.
Similar to the `docker import` command.
If `src` is a string or unicode string, it will first be treated as a path to
a tarball on the local system. If there is an error reading from that file,
src will be treated as a URL instead to fetch the image from. You can also pass
an open file handle as 'src', in which case the data will be read from that
If `src` is unset but `image` is set, the `image` paramater will be taken as
the name of an existing image to import from.
* src (str or file): Path to tarfile or URL
* src (str or file): Path to tarfile, URL, or file-like object
* repository (str): The repository to create
* tag (str): The tag to apply
* image (str): Use another image like the `FROM` Dockerfile parameter
## import_image_from_data
Like `.import_image()`, but allows importing in-memory bytes data.
* data (bytes collection): Bytes collection containing valid tar data
* repository (str): The repository to create
* tag (str): The tag to apply
## import_image_from_file
Like `.import_image()`, but only supports importing from a tar file on
disk. If the file doesn't exist it will raise `IOError`.
* filename (str): Full path to a tar file.
* repository (str): The repository to create
* tag (str): The tag to apply
## import_image_from_url
Like `.import_image()`, but only supports importing from a URL.
* url (str): A URL pointing to a tar file.
* repository (str): The repository to create
* tag (str): The tag to apply
## import_image_from_image
Like `.import_image()`, but only supports importing from another image,
like the `FROM` Dockerfile parameter.
* image (str): Image name to import from
* repository (str): The repository to create
* tag (str): The tag to apply
## info
Display system-wide information. Identical to the `docker info` command.
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def get_fake_stats():
return status_code, response
# Maps real api url to fake response callback
prefix = 'http+unix://var/run/docker.sock'
prefix = 'http+docker://localunixsocket'
fake_responses = {
......@@ -12,25 +12,31 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import time
import base64
import contextlib
import json
import io
import os
import shutil
import signal
import socket
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import unittest
import warnings
import docker
import six
from six.moves import BaseHTTPServer
from six.moves import socketserver
from test import Cleanup
# FIXME: missing tests for
# export; history; import_image; insert; port; push; tag; get; load; stats;
# export; history; insert; port; push; tag; get; load; stats
DEFAULT_BASE_URL = os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST')
......@@ -1229,6 +1235,157 @@ class TestRemoveImage(BaseTestCase):
res = [x for x in images if x['Id'].startswith(img_id)]
self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
class ImportTestCase(BaseTestCase):
'''Base class for `docker import` test cases.'''
# Use a large file size to increase the chance of triggering any
# MemoryError exceptions we might hit.
TAR_SIZE = 512 * 1024 * 1024
def write_dummy_tar_content(self, n_bytes, tar_fd):
def extend_file(f, n_bytes):
f.seek(n_bytes - 1)
tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tar_fd, mode='w')
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
extend_file(f, n_bytes)
tarinfo = tar.gettarinfo(name=f.name, arcname='testdata')
tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=f)
def dummy_tar_stream(self, n_bytes):
'''Yields a stream that is valid tar data of size n_bytes.'''
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file:
self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file)
yield tar_file
def dummy_tar_file(self, n_bytes):
'''Yields the name of a valid tar file of size n_bytes.'''
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file:
self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file)
yield tar_file.name
class TestImportFromBytes(ImportTestCase):
'''Tests importing an image from in-memory byte data.'''
def runTest(self):
with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f:
content = f.read()
# The generic import_image() function cannot import in-memory bytes
# data that happens to be represented as a string type, because
# import_image() will try to use it as a filename and usually then
# trigger an exception. So we test the import_image_from_data()
# function instead.
statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data(
content, repository='test/import-from-bytes')
result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
result = json.loads(result_text)
self.assertNotIn('error', result)
img_id = result['status']
class TestImportFromFile(ImportTestCase):
'''Tests importing an image from a tar file on disk.'''
def runTest(self):
with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename:
# statuses = self.client.import_image(
# src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file')
statuses = self.client.import_image_from_file(
tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file')
result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
result = json.loads(result_text)
self.assertNotIn('error', result)
self.assertIn('status', result)
img_id = result['status']
class TestImportFromStream(ImportTestCase):
'''Tests importing an image from a stream containing tar data.'''
def runTest(self):
with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_stream:
statuses = self.client.import_image(
src=tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream')
# statuses = self.client.import_image_from_stream(
# tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream')
result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
result = json.loads(result_text)
self.assertNotIn('error', result)
self.assertIn('status', result)
img_id = result['status']
class TestImportFromURL(ImportTestCase):
'''Tests downloading an image over HTTP.'''
def temporary_http_file_server(self, stream):
'''Serve data from an IO stream over HTTP.'''
class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-tar')
shutil.copyfileobj(stream, self.wfile)
server = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 0), Handler)
thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
yield 'http://%s:%s' % (socket.gethostname(), server.server_address[1])
def runTest(self):
# The crappy test HTTP server doesn't handle large files well, so use
# a small file.
TAR_SIZE = 10240
with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=TAR_SIZE) as tar_data:
with self.temporary_http_file_server(tar_data) as url:
statuses = self.client.import_image(
src=url, repository='test/import-from-url')
result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
result = json.loads(result_text)
self.assertNotIn('error', result)
self.assertIn('status', result)
img_id = result['status']
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def fake_resp(url, data=None, **kwargs):
fake_request = mock.Mock(side_effect=fake_resp)
url_prefix = 'http+unix://var/run/docker.sock/v{0}/'.format(
url_prefix = 'http+docker://localunixsocket/v{0}/'.format(
......@@ -1412,20 +1412,24 @@ class DockerClientTest(Cleanup, unittest.TestCase):
def _socket_path_for_client_session(self, client):
socket_adapter = client.get_adapter('http+docker://')
return socket_adapter.socket_path
def test_url_compatibility_unix(self):
c = docker.Client(base_url="unix://socket")
assert c.base_url == "http+unix://socket"
assert self._socket_path_for_client_session(c) == '/socket'
def test_url_compatibility_unix_triple_slash(self):
c = docker.Client(base_url="unix:///socket")
assert c.base_url == "http+unix://socket"
assert self._socket_path_for_client_session(c) == '/socket'
def test_url_compatibility_http_unix_triple_slash(self):
c = docker.Client(base_url="http+unix:///socket")
assert c.base_url == "http+unix://socket"
assert self._socket_path_for_client_session(c) == '/socket'
def test_url_compatibility_http(self):
c = docker.Client(base_url="http://hostname:1234")
......@@ -1853,12 +1857,11 @@ class DockerClientTest(Cleanup, unittest.TestCase):
def test_import_image_from_file(self):
buf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
def test_import_image_from_bytes(self):
stream = (i for i in range(0, 100))
# pretent the buffer is a file
......@@ -1870,13 +1873,14 @@ class DockerClientTest(Cleanup, unittest.TestCase):
'repo': fake_api.FAKE_REPO_NAME,
'tag': fake_api.FAKE_TAG_NAME,
'fromSrc': '-'
'fromSrc': '-',
'Content-Type': 'application/tar',
def test_import_image_from_image(self):
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