Kaydet (Commit) fdfe582b authored tarafından Joffrey F's avatar Joffrey F

Update Swarm API docs

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJoffrey F <joffrey@docker.com>
üst 25db440c
......@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ client.init_swarm(
## Joining an existing Swarm
If you're looking to have the engine your client is connected to joining an
existing Swarm, this ca be accomplished by using the `Client.join_swarm`
If you're looking to have the engine your client is connected to join an
existing Swarm, this can be accomplished by using the `Client.join_swarm`
method. You will need to provide a list of at least one remote address
corresponding to other machines already part of the swarm. In most cases,
a `listen_address` for your node, as well as the `secret` token are required
to join too.
corresponding to other machines already part of the swarm as well as the
`join_token`. In most cases, a `listen_addr` and `advertise_addr` for your
node are also required.
remote_addresses=[''], secret='SWMTKN-1-redacted',
listen_address='', manager=True
remote_addrs=[''], join_token='SWMTKN-1-redacted',
listen_addr='', advertise_addr='eth0:5000'
......@@ -61,14 +61,136 @@ client.inspect_swarm()
### Client.init_swarm
Initialize a new Swarm using the current connected engine as the first node.
* advertise_addr (string): Externally reachable address advertised to other
nodes. This can either be an address/port combination in the form
``, or an interface followed by a port number, like
`eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the port number from the listen
address is used. If `advertise_addr` is not specified, it will be
automatically detected when possible. Default: None
* listen_addr (string): Listen address used for inter-manager communication,
as well as determining the networking interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel
Endpoint (VTEP). This can either be an address/port combination in the form
``, or an interface followed by a port number, like
`eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the default swarm listening port
is used. Default: ''
* force_new_cluster (bool): Force creating a new Swarm, even if already part of
one. Default: False
* swarm_spec (dict): Configuration settings of the new Swarm. Use
`Client.create_swarm_spec` to generate a valid configuration. Default: None
**Returns:** `True` if the request went through. Raises an `APIError` if it
#### Client.create_swarm_spec
#### docker.utils.SwarmAcceptancePolicy
Create a `docker.utils.SwarmSpec` instance that can be used as the `swarm_spec`
argument in `Client.init_swarm`.
* task_history_retention_limit (int): Maximum number of tasks history stored.
* snapshot_interval (int): Number of logs entries between snapshot.
* keep_old_snapshots (int): Number of snapshots to keep beyond the current
* log_entries_for_slow_followers (int): Number of log entries to keep around
to sync up slow followers after a snapshot is created.
* heartbeat_tick (int): Amount of ticks (in seconds) between each heartbeat.
* election_tick (int): Amount of ticks (in seconds) needed without a leader to
trigger a new election.
* dispatcher_heartbeat_period (int): The delay for an agent to send a
heartbeat to the dispatcher.
* node_cert_expiry (int): Automatic expiry for nodes certificates.
* external_ca (dict): Configuration for forwarding signing requests to an
external certificate authority. Use `docker.utils.SwarmExternalCA`.
**Returns:** `docker.utils.SwarmSpec` instance.
#### docker.utils.SwarmExternalCA
Create a configuration dictionary for the `external_ca` argument in a
* protocol (string): Protocol for communication with the external CA (currently
only “cfssl” is supported).
* url (string): URL where certificate signing requests should be sent.
* options (dict): An object with key/value pairs that are interpreted as
protocol-specific options for the external CA driver.
### Client.inspect_swarm
Retrieve information about the current Swarm.
**Returns:** A dictionary containing information about the Swarm. See sample
{u'CreatedAt': u'2016-08-04T21:26:18.779800579Z',
u'ID': u'8hk6e9wh4iq214qtbgvbp84a9',
u'JoinTokens': {u'Manager': u'SWMTKN-1-redacted-1',
u'Worker': u'SWMTKN-1-redacted-2'},
u'Spec': {u'CAConfig': {u'NodeCertExpiry': 7776000000000000},
u'Dispatcher': {u'HeartbeatPeriod': 5000000000},
u'Name': u'default',
u'Orchestration': {u'TaskHistoryRetentionLimit': 10},
u'Raft': {u'ElectionTick': 3,
u'HeartbeatTick': 1,
u'LogEntriesForSlowFollowers': 500,
u'SnapshotInterval': 10000},
u'TaskDefaults': {}},
u'UpdatedAt': u'2016-08-04T21:26:19.391623265Z',
u'Version': {u'Index': 11}}
### Client.join_swarm
### CLient.leave_swarm
\ No newline at end of file
Join an existing Swarm.
* remote_addrs (list): Addresses of one or more manager nodes already
participating in the Swarm to join.
* join_token (string): Secret token for joining this Swarm.
* listen_addr (string): Listen address used for inter-manager communication
if the node gets promoted to manager, as well as determining the networking
interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP). Default: `None`
* advertise_addr (string): Externally reachable address advertised to other
nodes. This can either be an address/port combination in the form
``, or an interface followed by a port number, like
`eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the port number from the listen
address is used. If AdvertiseAddr is not specified, it will be automatically
detected when possible. Default: `None`
**Returns:** `True` if the request went through. Raises an `APIError` if it
### Client.leave_swarm
Leave a Swarm.
* force (bool): Leave the Swarm even if this node is a manager.
Default: `False`
**Returns:** `True` if the request went through. Raises an `APIError` if it
### Client.update_swarm
Update the Swarm's configuration
* version (int): The version number of the swarm object being updated. This
is required to avoid conflicting writes.
* swarm_spec (dict): Configuration settings to update. Use
`Client.create_swarm_spec` to generate a valid configuration.
Default: `None`.
* rotate_worker_token (bool): Rotate the worker join token. Default: `False`.
* rotate_manager_token (bool): Rotate the manager join token. Default: `False`.
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