matlab.c 3.04 KB
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*   Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Darren Hiebert
*   This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
*   GNU General Public License.
*   This module contains functions for generating tags for Matlab scripts.
*   The tags 'function' and 'struct' are parsed.
*	Author Roland Baudin <>

#include "general.h"	/* must always come first */

#include <string.h>

#include "parse.h"
#include "read.h"
#include "vstring.h"

typedef enum {
} MatlabKind;

static kindOption MatlabKinds [] = {
    { TRUE, 'f', "function", "Functions" },
	{ TRUE, 's', "struct", "Structures" },


static void findMatlabTags (void)
    vString *name = vStringNew ();
    const unsigned char *line;
	const unsigned char *p;

    while ((line = fileReadLine ()) != NULL)
		int i, ic;

		if (line [0] == '\0'  ||  line [0] == '%')

		/* search if the line has a comment */
		for (ic = 0  ;  line [ic] != '\0'  &&  line [ic]!='%'  ;  ++ic)

		/* function tag */

		/* read first word */
		for (i = 0  ;  line [i] != '\0'  &&  ! isspace (line [i])  ;  ++i)

		if (strncmp ((const char *) line, "function", (size_t) 8) == 0)
			const unsigned char *cp = line + i;
			const unsigned char *ptr = cp;
			boolean eq=FALSE;

			while (isspace ((int) *cp))

			/* search for '=' character in the line */
			while (*ptr != '\0')
				if (*ptr == '=')

			/* '=' was found => get the right most part of the line after '=' and before '%' */
			if (eq)
				while (isspace ((int) *ptr))

				while (*ptr != '\0' && *ptr != '%')
					vStringPut (name, (int) *ptr);

			/* '=' was not found => get the right most part of the line after
			 * 'function' and before '%' */
				while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != '%')
					vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);

			vStringTerminate (name);
			makeSimpleTag (name, MatlabKinds, K_FUNCTION);
			vStringClear (name);

		/* struct tag */

		/* search if the line contains the keyword 'struct' */
		p=(const unsigned char*) strstr ((const char*) line, "struct");

		/* and avoid the part after the '%' if any */
		if ( p != NULL && ic>0 && p < line+ic)
			const unsigned char *cp = line;

			/* get the left most part of the line before '=' */
			while (*cp != '\0' && !isspace(*cp) && *cp != '=' )
				vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);

			vStringTerminate (name);
			makeSimpleTag (name, MatlabKinds, K_STRUCT);
			vStringClear (name);
    vStringDelete (name);

extern parserDefinition* MatlabParser (void)
    static const char *const extensions [] = { "m", NULL };
    parserDefinition* def = parserNew ("Matlab");
    def->kinds      = MatlabKinds;
    def->kindCount  = KIND_COUNT (MatlabKinds);
    def->extensions = extensions;
    def->parser     = findMatlabTags;
    return def;

/* vi:set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4: */