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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file Document.h
 ** Text document that handles notifications, DBCS, styling, words and end of line.
// Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson <>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.

#ifndef DOCUMENT_H
#define DOCUMENT_H

 * A Position is a position within a document between two characters or at the beginning or end.
 * Sometimes used as a character index where it identifies the character after the position.
typedef int Position;
const Position invalidPosition = -1;

 * The range class represents a range of text in a document.
 * The two values are not sorted as one end may be more significant than the other
 * as is the case for the selection where the end position is the position of the caret.
 * If either position is invalidPosition then the range is invalid and most operations will fail.
class Range {
	Position start;
	Position end;

	Range(Position pos=0) :
		start(pos), end(pos) {
	Range(Position start_, Position end_) :
		start(start_), end(end_) {

	bool Valid() const {
		return (start != invalidPosition) && (end != invalidPosition);

	// Is the position within the range?
	bool Contains(Position pos) const {
		if (start < end) {
			return (pos >= start && pos <= end);
		} else {
			return (pos <= start && pos >= end);

	// Is the character after pos within the range?
	bool ContainsCharacter(Position pos) const {
		if (start < end) {
			return (pos >= start && pos < end);
		} else {
			return (pos < start && pos >= end);

	bool Contains(Range other) const {
		return Contains(other.start) && Contains(other.end);

	bool Overlaps(Range other) const {
		Contains(other.start) ||
		Contains(other.end) ||
		other.Contains(start) ||

class DocWatcher;
class DocModification;
class RESearch;

class Document {

	/** Used to pair watcher pointer with user data. */
	class WatcherWithUserData {
		DocWatcher *watcher;
		void *userData;
		WatcherWithUserData() {
			watcher = 0;
			userData = 0;

	enum charClassification { ccSpace, ccNewLine, ccWord, ccPunctuation };

	int refCount;
	CellBuffer cb;
	CharClassify charClass;
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	char stylingMask;
	int endStyled;
	int styleClock;
	int enteredCount;
	int enteredReadOnlyCount;

	WatcherWithUserData *watchers;
	int lenWatchers;

	bool matchesValid;
	RESearch *pre;
	char *substituted;

	int stylingBits;
	int stylingBitsMask;

	int eolMode;
	/// Can also be SC_CP_UTF8 to enable UTF-8 mode
	int dbcsCodePage;
	int tabInChars;
	int indentInChars;
	int actualIndentInChars;
	bool useTabs;
	bool tabIndents;
	bool backspaceUnindents;

	virtual ~Document();

	int AddRef();
	int Release();

	int LineFromPosition(int pos);
	int ClampPositionIntoDocument(int pos);
	bool IsCrLf(int pos);
	int LenChar(int pos);
	int MovePositionOutsideChar(int pos, int moveDir, bool checkLineEnd=true);

	// Gateways to modifying document
	void ModifiedAt(int pos);
	bool DeleteChars(int pos, int len);
	bool InsertStyledString(int position, char *s, int insertLength);
	int Undo();
	int Redo();
	bool CanUndo() { return cb.CanUndo(); }
	bool CanRedo() { return cb.CanRedo(); }
	void DeleteUndoHistory() { cb.DeleteUndoHistory(); }
	bool SetUndoCollection(bool collectUndo) {
		return cb.SetUndoCollection(collectUndo);
	bool IsCollectingUndo() { return cb.IsCollectingUndo(); }
	void BeginUndoAction() { cb.BeginUndoAction(); }
	void EndUndoAction() { cb.EndUndoAction(); }
	void SetSavePoint();
	bool IsSavePoint() { return cb.IsSavePoint(); }

	int GetLineIndentation(int line);
	void SetLineIndentation(int line, int indent);
	int GetLineIndentPosition(int line);
	int GetColumn(int position);
	int FindColumn(int line, int column);
	void Indent(bool forwards, int lineBottom, int lineTop);
	static char *TransformLineEnds(int *pLenOut, const char *s, size_t len, int eolMode);
	void ConvertLineEnds(int eolModeSet);
	void SetReadOnly(bool set) { cb.SetReadOnly(set); }
	bool IsReadOnly() { return cb.IsReadOnly(); }

	bool InsertChar(int pos, char ch);
	bool InsertString(int position, const char *s);
	bool InsertString(int position, const char *s, size_t insertLength);
	void ChangeChar(int pos, char ch);
	void DelChar(int pos);
	void DelCharBack(int pos);

	char CharAt(int position) { return cb.CharAt(position); }
	void GetCharRange(char *buffer, int position, int lengthRetrieve) {
		cb.GetCharRange(buffer, position, lengthRetrieve);
	char StyleAt(int position) { return cb.StyleAt(position); }
	int GetMark(int line) { return cb.GetMark(line); }
	int AddMark(int line, int markerNum);
	void AddMarkSet(int line, int valueSet);
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180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
	void DeleteMark(int line, int markerNum);
	void DeleteMarkFromHandle(int markerHandle);
	void DeleteAllMarks(int markerNum);
	int LineFromHandle(int markerHandle) { return cb.LineFromHandle(markerHandle); }
	int LineStart(int line);
	int LineEnd(int line);
	int LineEndPosition(int position);
	int VCHomePosition(int position);

	int SetLevel(int line, int level);
	int GetLevel(int line) { return cb.GetLevel(line); }
	void ClearLevels() { cb.ClearLevels(); }
	int GetLastChild(int lineParent, int level=-1);
	int GetFoldParent(int line);

	void Indent(bool forwards);
	int ExtendWordSelect(int pos, int delta, bool onlyWordCharacters=false);
	int NextWordStart(int pos, int delta);
	int NextWordEnd(int pos, int delta);
	int Length() { return cb.Length(); }
	void Allocate(int newSize) { cb.Allocate(newSize*2); }
	long FindText(int minPos, int maxPos, const char *s,
		bool caseSensitive, bool word, bool wordStart, bool regExp, bool posix, int *length);
	long FindText(int iMessage, unsigned long wParam, long lParam);
	const char *SubstituteByPosition(const char *text, int *length);
	int LinesTotal();

	void ChangeCase(Range r, bool makeUpperCase);

	void SetDefaultCharClasses(bool includeWordClass);
	void SetCharClasses(const unsigned char *chars, CharClassify::cc newCharClass);
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	void SetStylingBits(int bits);
	void StartStyling(int position, char mask);
	bool SetStyleFor(int length, char style);
	bool SetStyles(int length, char *styles);
	int GetEndStyled() { return endStyled; }
	bool EnsureStyledTo(int pos);
	int GetStyleClock() { return styleClock; }
	void IncrementStyleClock();

	int SetLineState(int line, int state) { return cb.SetLineState(line, state); }
	int GetLineState(int line) { return cb.GetLineState(line); }
	int GetMaxLineState() { return cb.GetMaxLineState(); }

	bool AddWatcher(DocWatcher *watcher, void *userData);
	bool RemoveWatcher(DocWatcher *watcher, void *userData);
	const WatcherWithUserData *GetWatchers() const { return watchers; }
	int GetLenWatchers() const { return lenWatchers; }

	bool IsWordPartSeparator(char ch);
	int WordPartLeft(int pos);
	int WordPartRight(int pos);
	int ExtendStyleRange(int pos, int delta, bool singleLine = false);
	bool IsWhiteLine(int line);
	int ParaUp(int pos);
	int ParaDown(int pos);
	int IndentSize() { return actualIndentInChars; }
	int BraceMatch(int position, int maxReStyle);
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238 239 240 241

	void CheckReadOnly();

	CharClassify::cc WordCharClass(unsigned char ch);
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	bool IsWordStartAt(int pos);
	bool IsWordEndAt(int pos);
	bool IsWordAt(int start, int end);

	void NotifyModifyAttempt();
	void NotifySavePoint(bool atSavePoint);
	void NotifyModified(DocModification mh);

 * To optimise processing of document modifications by DocWatchers, a hint is passed indicating the
 * scope of the change.
 * If the DocWatcher is a document view then this can be used to optimise screen updating.
class DocModification {
  	int modificationType;
	int position;
 	int length;
 	int linesAdded;	/**< Negative if lines deleted. */
 	const char *text;	/**< Only valid for changes to text, not for changes to style. */
 	int line;
	int foldLevelNow;
	int foldLevelPrev;

	DocModification(int modificationType_, int position_=0, int length_=0,
		int linesAdded_=0, const char *text_=0, int line_=0) :
		foldLevelPrev(0) {}

	DocModification(int modificationType_, const Action &act, int linesAdded_=0) :
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		foldLevelPrev(0) {}

 * A class that wants to receive notifications from a Document must be derived from DocWatcher
 * and implement the notification methods. It can then be added to the watcher list with AddWatcher.
class DocWatcher {
	virtual ~DocWatcher() {}

	virtual void NotifyModifyAttempt(Document *doc, void *userData) = 0;
	virtual void NotifySavePoint(Document *doc, void *userData, bool atSavePoint) = 0;
	virtual void NotifyModified(Document *doc, DocModification mh, void *userData) = 0;
	virtual void NotifyDeleted(Document *doc, void *userData) = 0;
	virtual void NotifyStyleNeeded(Document *doc, void *userData, int endPos) = 0;
