Kaydet (Commit) 1f8d2de5 authored tarafından Nick Treleaven's avatar Nick Treleaven

Remove doc, hacking-doc targets (Windows)

üst cf672424
......@@ -14,11 +14,16 @@ ifdef MSYS
CP = cp
doc: geany.txt
$(RST2HTML) -stg --stylesheet=geany.css $^ geany.html
# no PDF rule yet
all: html api-doc
hacking-doc: ../HACKING
$(RST2HTML) -stg --stylesheet=geany.css $^ hacking.html
html: geany.html hacking.html
geany.html: geany.txt geany.css
$(RST2HTML) -stg --stylesheet=geany.css $< $@
hacking.html: ../HACKING geany.css
$(RST2HTML) -stg --stylesheet=geany.css $< $@
# FIXME: we should also replace @VERSION@
Doxyfile: Doxyfile.in
Markdown is supported
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