Kaydet (Commit) 2f31df28 authored tarafından Nick Treleaven's avatar Nick Treleaven

Add sci_set_selection().

git-svn-id: https://geany.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geany/trunk@3800 ea778897-0a13-0410-b9d1-a72fbfd435f5
üst f81366c6
2009-05-18 Nick Treleaven <nick(dot)treleaven(at)btinternet(dot)com>
* src/sciwrappers.c, src/sciwrappers.h, src/editor.c:
Add sci_set_selection().
2009-05-17 Enrico Tröger <enrico(dot)troeger(at)uvena(dot)de>
* tagmanager/python.c:
......@@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@ static void insert_closing_tag(GeanyEditor *editor, gint pos, gchar ch, const gc
sci_replace_sel(sci, to_insert);
if (ch == '>')
SSM(sci, SCI_SETSEL, pos, pos);
sci_set_selection(sci, pos, pos);
if (utils_str_equal(tag_name, "table"))
auto_table(editor, pos);
......@@ -2495,7 +2495,7 @@ gint editor_do_uncomment(GeanyEditor *editor, gint line, gboolean toggle)
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, line_start + x, line_start + x + co_len);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, line_start + x, line_start + x + co_len);
sci_replace_sel(editor->sci, "");
......@@ -3387,7 +3387,7 @@ void editor_select_word(GeanyEditor *editor)
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, start, end);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, start, end);
......@@ -3414,7 +3414,7 @@ void editor_select_lines(GeanyEditor *editor, gboolean extra_line)
line = sci_get_line_from_position(editor->sci, end);
end = sci_get_position_from_line(editor->sci, line + 1);
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, start, end);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, start, end);
......@@ -3490,7 +3490,7 @@ void editor_select_paragraph(GeanyEditor *editor)
line_found = find_paragraph_stop(editor, line_start, DOWN);
pos_end = SSM(editor->sci, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, line_found, 0);
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, pos_start, pos_end);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, pos_start, pos_end);
......@@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@ static void smart_line_indentation(GeanyEditor *editor, gint first_line, gint la
sel_end = SSM(editor->sci, SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION, i, 0);
if (sel_start < sel_end)
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, sel_start, sel_end);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, sel_start, sel_end);
sci_replace_sel(editor->sci, "");
sci_insert_text(editor->sci, sel_start, indent);
......@@ -3601,7 +3601,7 @@ void editor_indentation_by_one_space(GeanyEditor *editor, gint pos, gboolean dec
if (sci_get_char_at(editor->sci, indentation_end) == ' ')
SSM(editor->sci, SCI_SETSEL, indentation_end, indentation_end + 1);
sci_set_selection(editor->sci, indentation_end, indentation_end + 1);
sci_replace_sel(editor->sci, "");
if (i == first_line)
......@@ -400,6 +400,12 @@ void sci_set_selection_end(ScintillaObject* sci, gint position)
void sci_set_selection(ScintillaObject *sci, gint anchorPos, gint currentPos)
SSM(sci, SCI_SETSEL, anchorPos, currentPos);
gint sci_get_line_end_position(ScintillaObject* sci, gint line)
return SSM(sci, SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, line, 0);
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ gint sci_get_pos_at_line_sel_start(ScintillaObject*sci, gint line);
gint sci_get_pos_at_line_sel_end (ScintillaObject* sci, gint line);
void sci_set_selection_start (ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
void sci_set_selection_end (ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
void sci_set_selection (ScintillaObject *sci, gint anchorPos, gint currentPos);
gint sci_get_length (ScintillaObject* sci);
void sci_get_text (ScintillaObject* sci,gint len,gchar* text);
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