Kaydet (Commit) 659b277e authored tarafından Thomas Martitz's avatar Thomas Martitz

api: annotate element types in the TMWorkspace arrays

This allows GI-based plugins to traverse/inspect the array and consequently
Geany loaded tags.
üst cef4751f
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
typedef struct TMWorkspace
GPtrArray *global_tags; /**< Global tags loaded at startup */
GPtrArray *source_files; /**< An array of TMSourceFile pointers */
GPtrArray *tags_array; /**< Sorted tags from all source files
(just pointers to source file tags, the tag objects are owned by the source files) */
GPtrArray *global_tags; /**< Global tags loaded at startup. @elementtype{TMTag} */
GPtrArray *source_files; /**< An array of TMSourceFile pointers. @elementtype{TMSourceFile} */
GPtrArray *tags_array; /**< Sorted tags from all source files
(just pointers to source file tags, the tag objects are owned by the source files). @elementtype{TMTag} */
GPtrArray *typename_array; /* Typename tags for syntax highlighting (pointers owned by source files) */
GPtrArray *global_typename_array; /* Like above for global tags */
} TMWorkspace;
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