Kaydet (Commit) bc7e64f7 authored tarafından Matthew Brush's avatar Matthew Brush

Fix message formatting string

üst f90ebafe
......@@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ sptr_t sci_send_message_internal (const gchar *file, guint line, ScintillaObject
if (status != 0)
static const gchar *fmt = "%s:%u: scintilla has non-zero status "
"code '%d' after sending message '%u' to instance '%p' with "
"wParam='%llu' and lParam='%llu': %s";
const gchar *sub_msg = "unknown";
switch (status)
......@@ -78,10 +75,19 @@ sptr_t sci_send_message_internal (const gchar *file, guint line, ScintillaObject
sub_msg = "unknown failure";
#define SCI_STATUS_FORMAT_STRING "%s:%u: scintilla has non-zero status " \
"code '%d' after sending message '%u' to instance '%p' with " \
"wParam='%lu' and lParam='%ld': %s"
if (status >= SC_STATUS_WARN_START)
g_warning(fmt, file, line, status, msg, (gpointer)sci, wparam, lparam, sub_msg);
g_warning(SCI_STATUS_FORMAT_STRING, file, line, status, msg,
(gpointer)sci, wparam, lparam, sub_msg);
g_critical(fmt, file, line, status, msg, (gpointer)sci, wparam, lparam, sub_msg);
g_critical(SCI_STATUS_FORMAT_STRING, file, line, status, msg,
(gpointer)sci, wparam, lparam, sub_msg);
return result;
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