Kaydet (Commit) c9a799bb authored tarafından Enrico Tröger's avatar Enrico Tröger

Windows Installer: fix documentation installation paths

üst 0556b89d
......@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ SectionEnd
Section "Documentation" SEC04
SectionIn 1
SetOverwrite ifnewer
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\share\doc\geany\html"
File /r "${RESOURCEDIR}\doc\*"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\share\doc"
File /r "${RESOURCEDIR}\share\doc\*"
WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\Documentation.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "$INSTDIR\share\doc\geany\html\index.html"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\Documentation.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Documentation.url"
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