Kaydet (Commit) 4eaf7f94 authored tarafından Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

fixes bpo-31866: remove code pertaining to AtheOS support (#4115)

We stop support this OS in 2007 with commit
19fab761. Let's finish.
üst 18967935
......@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ class build_ext(Command):
new_lib = os.path.join(new_lib, suffix)
# for extensions under Cygwin and AtheOS Python's library directory must be
# For extensions under Cygwin, Python's library directory must be
# appended to library_dirs
if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin' or sys.platform[:6] == 'atheos':
if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin':
if sys.executable.startswith(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "bin")):
# building third party extensions
self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib",
......@@ -715,22 +715,6 @@ class build_ext(Command):
return ext.libraries + [pythonlib]
return ext.libraries
elif sys.platform[:6] == "atheos":
from distutils import sysconfig
template = "python%d.%d"
pythonlib = (template %
(sys.hexversion >> 24, (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff))
# Get SHLIBS from Makefile
extra = []
for lib in sysconfig.get_config_var('SHLIBS').split():
if lib.startswith('-l'):
# don't extend ext.libraries, it may be shared with other
# extensions, it is a reference to the original list
return ext.libraries + [pythonlib, "m"] + extra
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Don't use the default code below
return ext.libraries
......@@ -341,12 +341,7 @@ class StatAttributeTests(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'statvfs'), 'test needs os.statvfs()')
def test_statvfs_attributes(self):
result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
except OSError as e:
# On AtheOS, glibc always returns ENOSYS
if e.errno == errno.ENOSYS:
self.skipTest('os.statvfs() failed with ENOSYS')
result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
# Make sure direct access works
self.assertEqual(result.f_bfree, result[3])
......@@ -386,12 +381,7 @@ class StatAttributeTests(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'statvfs'),
"need os.statvfs()")
def test_statvfs_result_pickle(self):
result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
except OSError as e:
# On AtheOS, glibc always returns ENOSYS
if e.errno == errno.ENOSYS:
self.skipTest('os.statvfs() failed with ENOSYS')
result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
p = pickle.dumps(result, proto)
......@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ static PyObject *
crypt_crypt_impl(PyObject *module, const char *word, const char *salt)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=0512284a03d2803c input=0e8edec9c364352b]*/
/* On some platforms (AtheOS) crypt returns NULL for an invalid
salt. Return None in that case. XXX Maybe raise an exception? */
return Py_BuildValue("s", crypt(word, salt));
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