1. 02 Kas, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 31 Eki, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  3. 23 Eki, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  4. 12 Eki, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  5. 23 Tem, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  6. 25 May, 2011 2 kayıt (commit)
  7. 25 Şub, 2011 3 kayıt (commit)
  8. 13 Ock, 2011 3 kayıt (commit)
  9. 12 Ock, 2011 2 kayıt (commit)
  10. 09 Ock, 2011 1 kayıt (commit)
  11. 21 Ara, 2010 2 kayıt (commit)
  12. 05 Kas, 2010 1 kayıt (commit)
  13. 14 Eyl, 2010 2 kayıt (commit)
  14. 06 Eyl, 2010 3 kayıt (commit)
  15. 05 Eyl, 2010 1 kayıt (commit)
  16. 03 May, 2010 2 kayıt (commit)
  17. 27 Nis, 2010 2 kayıt (commit)
  18. 13 Mar, 2010 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Florent Xicluna's avatar
      Only the parts which are relevant for 3.x branch. · b14930cd
      Florent Xicluna yazdı
      Merged revisions 78757-78758,78769,78815 via svnmerge from
        r78757 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 13:14:25 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Fix some py3k warnings in the standard library.
        r78758 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 13:18:33 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 4 lines
        Issue #7849: Now the utility ``check_warnings`` verifies if the warnings are
        effectively raised.  A new utility ``check_py3k_warnings`` deals with py3k warnings.
        r78769 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-07 20:14:12 +0100 (dim, 07 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        Refresh the documentation for the test.test_support module.
        r78815 | florent.xicluna | 2010-03-09 20:57:01 +0100 (mar, 09 mar 2010) | 2 lines
        #7772: Fix test_py3kwarn. Now the test suite could pass with "-3" flag.
  19. 31 Ock, 2010 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Antoine Pitrou's avatar
      Merged revisions 77895-77896 via svnmerge from · 66f9fea7
      Antoine Pitrou yazdı
        r77895 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-01-31 23:47:27 +0100 (dim., 31 janv. 2010) | 12 lines
        Merged revisions 77890 via svnmerge from
          r77890 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-01-31 23:26:04 +0100 (dim., 31 janv. 2010) | 7 lines
          - Issue #6939: Fix file I/O objects in the `io` module to keep the original
            file position when calling `truncate()`.  It would previously change the
            file position to the given argument, which goes against the tradition of
            ftruncate() and other truncation APIs.  Patch by Pascal Chambon.
        r77896 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-02-01 00:12:29 +0100 (lun., 01 févr. 2010) | 3 lines
        r77895 broke doctest.
    • Antoine Pitrou's avatar
      Merged revisions 77890 via svnmerge from · 905a2ffe
      Antoine Pitrou yazdı
        r77890 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-01-31 23:26:04 +0100 (dim., 31 janv. 2010) | 7 lines
        - Issue #6939: Fix file I/O objects in the `io` module to keep the original
          file position when calling `truncate()`.  It would previously change the
          file position to the given argument, which goes against the tradition of
          ftruncate() and other truncation APIs.  Patch by Pascal Chambon.
  20. 19 Ara, 2009 2 kayıt (commit)
  21. 13 Agu, 2009 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Georg Brandl's avatar
      Merged revisions 74126,74130-74131,74149,74155,74157,74180-74183,74398 via svnmerge from · 194da4a7
      Georg Brandl yazdı
        r74126 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-21 02:39:03 +0200 (Di, 21 Jul 2009) | 14 lines
        Merged revisions 73871 via svnmerge from
          r73871 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-06 22:17:30 -0400 (Mon, 06 Jul 2009) | 7 lines
          Grow the allocated buffer in PyUnicode_EncodeUTF7 to avoid buffer overrun.
          Without this change, test_unicode.UnicodeTest.test_codecs_utf7 crashes in
          debug mode. What happens is the unicode string u'\U000abcde' with a length
          of 1 encodes to the string '+2m/c3g-' of length 8. Since only 5 bytes is
          reserved in the buffer, a buffer overrun occurs.
        r74130 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-21 02:57:50 +0200 (Di, 21 Jul 2009) | 2 lines
        Add ignore rule for the Doc/tools/jinga2/ directory.
        r74131 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-21 04:51:58 +0200 (Di, 21 Jul 2009) | 13 lines
        Merged revisions 73683,73786 via svnmerge from
          r73683 | georg.brandl | 2009-06-29 10:44:49 -0400 (Mon, 29 Jun 2009) | 1 line
          Fix error handling in PyCode_Optimize, by Alexander Schremmer at EuroPython sprint.
          r73786 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-07-02 18:56:16 -0400 (Thu, 02 Jul 2009) | 1 line
          condense with assertRaises
        r74149 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-21 22:37:52 +0200 (Di, 21 Jul 2009) | 9 lines
        Merged revisions 74148 via svnmerge from
          r74148 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-21 23:18:27 +0300 (Tue, 21 Jul 2009) | 1 line
          #6536 fixed typo
        r74155 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-22 04:24:49 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) | 2 lines
        Issue #6242: Fix deallocator of io.StringIO and io.BytesIO.
        r74157 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-22 05:07:33 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) | 2 lines
        Issue #6241: Better type checking for the arguments of io.StringIO.
        r74180 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-22 23:17:14 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) | 9 lines
        Merged revisions 74179 via svnmerge from
          r74179 | ezio.melotti | 2009-07-23 00:08:49 +0300 (Thu, 23 Jul 2009) | 1 line
          #6423 has_key -> in
        r74181 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-22 23:27:53 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) | 6 lines
        Clean up test_curses.
        By using __stdout__ directly, test_curses caused regrtest.py
        to duplicate the output of some test results.
        r74182 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-22 23:29:01 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) | 2 lines
        Use assertGreater instead of assertTrue(x > y).
        r74183 | alexandre.vassalotti | 2009-07-23 01:27:17 +0200 (Do, 23 Jul 2009) | 4 lines
        Specialize assertTrue checks when possible.
        We should get slightly more helpful failure messages with this change.
        r74398 | georg.brandl | 2009-08-13 11:16:39 +0200 (Do, 13 Aug 2009) | 1 line
        #6694: fix old function names.
  22. 22 Tem, 2009 2 kayıt (commit)
  23. 06 Haz, 2009 1 kayıt (commit)
  24. 23 May, 2009 1 kayıt (commit)
  25. 14 May, 2009 1 kayıt (commit)