- 06 Haz, 2015 8 kayıt (commit)
Mark Henwood yazdı
Marc Tamlyn yazdı
Fixed #24937 -- fix serialization of Date(Time)RangeField.
Markus Amalthea Magnuson yazdı
Matthew Somerville yazdı
Matthew Somerville yazdı
Note this means the serialization of e.g. IntegerRangeField now has strings for lower and upper, so use to_python when they came back in (same behaviour as ArrayField, hopefully, from where I also got the set_attributes_from_name function).
Claude Paroz yazdı
Marc Tamlyn yazdı
Added Markus Amalthea Magnuson to AUTHORS.
Markus Amalthea Magnuson yazdı
Made some contributions in the past, seems like I never got around to adding myself :) https://github.com/django/django/commits?author=alimony
- 05 Haz, 2015 24 kayıt (commit)
Matthew Somerville yazdı
Use the DjangoJSONEncoder so that datetime and date are encoded appropriately.
Sylvain Fankhauser yazdı
Thanks brycenesbitt for the patch.
Mark Lavin yazdı
Marten Kenbeek yazdı
Fixed reverse() to correctly handled nested namespace lookups in current_app.
Tim Graham yazdı
Andriy Sokolovskiy yazdı
Partial forwardport of 469f1e36 from stable/1.8.x as the issue was already fixed in master.
Yamila Moreno yazdı
Matthew Somerville yazdı
Tim Graham yazdı
Russell Keith-Magee yazdı
Ian Foote yazdı
Add warning for using Coalesce with python values on MySQL and document workaround.
Ian Foote yazdı
Greatest and Least are row-level Function versions of Min and Max.
Russell Keith-Magee yazdı
Fixed #18166 -- Added ability to pass kwargs to the form constructor in a formset.
Yamila Moreno yazdı
Shai Berger yazdı
Found cases where testing code was doing try: whatever except (some excption type): self.fail("exception shouldn't be thrown") replaced it with just whatever as this makes the unexpected errors easier to debug, and the tests would fail just as much and aren't rendered less readable. Thanks Markus Holtermann for review
Marc Tamlyn yazdı
Refs #22728 - Added missing tests for defaults__exact case
Shai Berger yazdı
No tests are provided because there is no sane way to test database settings within the Django test suite. Thanks Aymeric Augustin for review.
Andriy Sokolovskiy yazdı
Michael Manfre yazdı
Steadman yazdı
Matthew Somerville yazdı
This was implemented for non-SQLite backends in 1.7 (as a side effect of #16187).
Raphael Michel yazdı
Loek van Gent yazdı
Matthew Somerville yazdı
Updated the command to match the documentation, which states it runs over all .po files.
- 04 Haz, 2015 8 kayıt (commit)
Marc Tamlyn yazdı
Provide `contained_by` lookups for the equivalent single valued fields related to the range field types. This acts as the opposite direction to rangefield__contains. With thanks to schinckel for the idea and initial tests.
Alasdair Nicol yazdı
Alasdair Nicol yazdı
Thanks rhertzog and Björn Påhlsson for the suggestion.
Raphael Michel yazdı
Renamed the mime_type properties of RssFeed and Atom1Feed to content_type and start deprecation for the old names.
Raphael Michel yazdı
Sergei Maertens yazdı
By specifying form_kwargs when instantiating the formset, or overriding the `get_form_kwargs` method on a formset class, you can pass extra keyword arguments to the underlying `Form` instances. Includes tests and documentation update.
Rolo yazdı
This is consistent with CharField.
Steadman yazdı